
クップル ドミニク
GTK613 2 (未登録) 1 前期 II






The course on compact data structures is designed for graduate students and focuses on compact and compressed data structures.
This lecture will introduce advanced techniques and algorithms to design and implement efficient data structures for managing massive data sets.

Students will have the opportunity to deepen their understanding of fundamental data structures and learn specialized techniques that improve space and time efficiency of basic solutions.
The course will concentrate on various compact and compressed data structures, for instance wavelet trees, block trees, text indexing data structures, and many more.

Students will be equipped to effectively analyze, design, and implement advanced data structures. Additionally, they will gain the skills to evaluate the performance of such data structures and select appropriate structures for specific application scenarios. The course will try to cover both theoretical and practical aspects, including algorithm analysis, complexity theory, and implementation details.

This course provides students with a solid foundation to succeed in areas such as data compression, information retrieval, bioinformatics, databases, and many other fields where processing huge amount of data is relevant. By participating in this course, students will be able to tackle demanding challenges in managing large volumes of data and develop efficient solutions.

The course should be attractive for students competing in programming competitions, striving to improve their algorithmic know-how for application at top companies (GAFAM), where job interviews usually require showing algorithmic skills.

Note that this course corresponds to the specialized knowledge and skills (E1) and (E2) specified in the Diploma Policy of the Computer Science and Engineering Course.
1. アルゴリズム・データ構造の効果率を解析するため、領域・時間の計算量を深く理解できる / Understand the space and time complexity of algorithms and data structures to judge their efficiency
2. 多面の問題に対して、適切な抽象データ型を選択できる / Select and combine appropriate abstract data types, data structures, and algorithms to solve complex problems
3. 大規模のデータを対応できる方法の知識 / Know methods to tackle big data problems
4. 関する問題に学んだ方法を応用できる / Able to adapt solutions to related problems
5. 問題に最適に取り組むことができる / Solve problems with optimal methods
6. 圧縮指標に関する計算量でアルゴリズム・データ構造を提案できる / Express complexities of algorithms and data structures in compressed terminology such as repetitiveness measures.
「TCS207 アルゴリズムとデータ構造I」および「TCS209 アルゴリズムとデータ構造II」での成功した参加を通じて得られる知識が必要である。

The course requires knowledge that can be acquired through successful participation in the courses
TCS207 アルゴリズムとデータ構造I and TCS209 アルゴリズムとデータ構造II.
1試験:期末期 25  %議論・発表の前に、個別ゼミで発表について議論 / Argumentation during an individual appointment before the presentation 
2試験:中間期 25  %査読・他人のレポートを評論的に評価 / Peer review of another report 
3小テスト/レポート 25  %レポート・内容を深く理解 / Final report, understanding the presented material in depth 
4発表/表現等 25  %発表・教訓的に内容を説明 / Presentation, didactical break-down 
  1. 定兼邦彦著, 簡潔データ構造, 共立出版, ISBN:9784320121744,
    (2018年出版 アルゴリズム・サイエンスシリーズ / 杉原厚吉 [ほか] 編, 8 ; 数理技法編)

  2. ゴンザロ・ナバロ著 ; 定兼邦彦訳, コンパクトデータ構造 : 実践的アプローチ, 講談社, ISBN:9784065124765,

  3. Enno Ohlebusch, Bioinformatics algorithms : sequence analysis, genome rearrangements, and phylogenetic reconstruction : hbk, [s.n.], ISBN:9783000413162,

  4. Felipe A. Louza, Simon Gog, Guilherme P. Telles, Construction of fundamental data structures for strings : pbk, Springer, ISBN:9783030551070,
    (2020年出版 SpringerBriefs in computer science)
  1. Gonzalo Navarro, Compact Data Structures: A Practical Approach, Cambridge University Press, ISBN:978-1316588284
  2. Paolo Ferragina, Pearls of Algorithm Engineering, Cambridge University Press, ISBN:978-1009128933
  3. Veli Makinen, Djamal Belazzougui, Fabio Cunial, Alexandru I. Tomescu, Genome-Scale Algorithm Design: Biological Sequence Analysis in the Era of High-Throughput Sequencing, Cambridge University Press, ISBN:978-1009341257
第1回 Bit Vectors
第2回 Rank/Select Data Structures I
第3回 Rank/Select Data Structures II
第4回 Entropy Compression I
第5回 Entropy Compression II
第6回 Lempel-Ziv-compressed Data Structures I
第7回 Lempel-Ziv-compressed Data Structures II
第8回 Compact Data Structures I
第9回 Compact Data Structures II
第10回 Text Indexing Data Structures I
第11回 Text Indexing Data Structures II
第12回 Compressed Data Structures I
第13回 Compressed Data Structures II
第14回 Compressed Data Structures III
第15回 Compressed Data Structures IV