
藤代 一成
GTK612 1 Students before 2022 2 後期 II
With the advent of HPC, WSN, and GII, digital data to be simulated, measured, and retrieved has been getting larger and more complex. The main topic of this course is a method of computing, called data visualization, which allows ones to gain insight into the target subjects effectively through visual analysis of their feature structures and behaviors embedded in such datasets. Following Advanced Topics in Computer Science and Engineering II, our focus will be placed on representative techniques for structured data, i.e., vector and tensor field visualization and information visualization. Up-to-date R&D results will be chosen to discuss the potentials of the methodology, including visual analytics, XR-based visualization, and the relevance to AI and psychology.

本講義では,HPC, WSN, GII等の発展により格段に複雑さを増しつつあるディジタルデータに隠された対象の特徴的な構造や挙動を視覚的に分析することによって,そこから有用な知見を効果的に獲得するための計算論的方法論―データ可視化―について講究する.特別講義IIに続いて,構造的データの可視化に焦点を移し,ベクトル場やテンソル場の可視化,情報可視化の代表的手法を紹介する.さらに,ビジュアルアナリティクス,XRベース可視化,人工知能や心理学との関連等の当該技術の最新研究開発トピックも選択的に採り上げ,その可能性について議論を展開する.
1. To understand dedicated paradigms and taxonomies;
2. To become familiar with fundamental principles and representative techniques;
3. To be able to visualize practical datasets using standard tools such as Paraview; and
4. To learn about recent R&D results in data visualization.

1. データ可視化のパラダイムや分類学を理解する
2. データ可視化の基本原理と代表的手法に習熟する
3. Paraviewのような標準ツールを用いて実際のデータが可視化できるようになる
4. データ可視化の最近の研究開発成果にふれる
Prerequisite includes basic knowledge about computer graphics, image processing, and numerical analysis.
It is preferrable to have taken Advanced Topics in Computer Science and Engineering II in 2022AY.

1小テスト/レポート 100  %Short quizzes (50%: Checking comprehension of each lecture's content) and term report (50%: Literature survey)  ショートクイズ(50%,毎回の講義内容の理解度チェック)と期末レポート(50%,文献調査) 
  1. NIH/NSF, Visualization Research Challenge Report January 2006,
    (A copy of pdf will be available from CMS)

  2. NVAC, Illuminating the Path: The Research and Development Agenda for Visual Analytics,
    (A copy of pdf will be available from CMS)

  3. M. Nakajima and I. Fujishiro (eds.), Computer Visualization (in Japanese), Kyoritsu-Syuppan, ISBN:9784320016439
This course will be conducted in person. The official language is English.
1: Visualizing 2D/3D vector fields
2: Visualizing 3D diffusion tensor fields
3: Information visualization: Fundamentals and applications
4: Visual analytics
5: Visual thinking: Visualization and AI
6: Realization: Applications of extended reality and multisensory information display
7: Visualization and perceptive/cognitive psychology
8: Literature survey

1: 2/3次元ベクトル場の可視化
2: 3次元拡散テンソル場の可視化
3: 情報可視化の基礎と応用
4: 視覚分析論
5: 視考:可視化と人工知能
6: リアライゼーション:XRと多感覚情報呈示の可視化応用
7: 可視化と知覚/認知心理学
8: 文献調査