
授業科目名 英語オーラルコミュニケーション(上級)
時間割番号 CEG3OS
担当教員名 リード.G.
開講学期・曜日・時限 後期・火・I 単位数 2
The primary aim of this course is to have students discuss and critically analyse various topics, and then give presentations on these topics. They will learn basic presentation skills and have the chance to improve their confidence in using English, as well as expressing their thoughts and ideas in front of others.
<到達目標>  到達目標とは
1Students will be able to use their own words (English words) in order to express themselves regarding the topic that is being addressed and subsequently discusses.A
2Students will be able to draw on the knowledge of their own culture to aid in the understanding the workings of other cultures that are addressed as discussion topics. Students will come to realize that culture and language are inextricably combined.B
3Students will learn to learn from others in terms of listening carefully to the opinions of others and react in a constructive manner when it comes to agreeing or disagreeing with others' opinions--especially by including logical reasoning to support one's own perspectiveC
134%50% in-class activities--discussion, 40% quizzes and assignments and 10% participation
233%50% in-class activities--discussion, 40% quizzes and assignments and 10% participation
333%50% in-class activities--discussion, 40% quizzes and assignments and 10% participation
PLEASE NOTE: At the time of writing this syllabus, classes will be conducted in a hybrid manner, meaning that one class will be done through Moodle and the following class will be in the classroom (face-to-face). Of course this is subject to changes in the university''''s policy regarding issues with the Corona virus. In other words, the above hybrid manner could change if problems with the virus change or increase. The instructor will inform students of any changes using the CNS mail system--if any changes regarding university policy occur.

We will have a combination of Moodle and face-to-face. This means that you will have assignments, preparation and discussion forums on Moodle and then the following week we will be face-to-face to discuss the topics studied on Moodle.

This also means that your grade will be determined by your assignments, quizzes, and discussion forums from Moodle, as well as your participation in the classroom. The class will incorporate a mixture of reading, listening and speaking tasks, which should introduce you to key grammar points, while encouraging the use of English in a useful and relevant way. You will listen to a variety of authentic and semi-authentic texts, and gradually build your speaking skills to be able to hold longer and more in-depth conversations. You will also improve your writing skills, working first on shorter pieces, and graduating to longer, more complex work.
Materials for the class will be provided by the teacher. This class should expose you to genuine English in a stimulating and enjoyable context. You should end up speaking English with more confidence, as well as gaining very useful listening, reading and writing skills. I hope you will find this both motivating and fun. Be prepared to participate! As a language course, this means INTERACTION with the other students: pair work and group work.

1タイトルIntroduction to Oral Communication (Advanced)
Because this is our first class, be prepared to speak and interact with people that you don't know.
After class, review what was said about the course syllabus, and course policies such as attendance and course evaluation. Prepare for quiz on the Nitty Gritty--class policies.
授業内容This is the first class where we will review "The Nitty Gritty", which means the course policies such as attendance, discussion manners, and the course evaluation according to the in-class activities, quizzes and so on.

This first class will also include ice-breaker activities in order to become familiar with the other students in the class.
2タイトルBenny Hinn Part I
Prepare for Quiz on the "Nitty Gritty"--the policies for the class.
Review any unknown or unfamiliar vocabulary to be discussed in the class.
授業内容Warm-up questions, TV and culture, TV genres, Benny Hinn Info gap, dicatate questions, YouTube Video of Benny Hinn, Discussion questions.
3タイトルBenny Hinn Part II
Review the topic and vocabulary from part I in order to prepare for critical discussion of Part II. After class reflect on how the story relates to your knowledge and experiences and ideas.
授業内容Warmup questions on opinion of Benny Hinn, across the room activity, review questions, Discussion on what it means to be a television evangelist.
4タイトルDr. Heidegger Story Part I
Prepare for Quiz on the "Benny Hinn"--the man and the story.
Review any unknown or unfamiliar vocabulary to be discussed in the class.
授業内容Warmup questions, ask and answer with other students, intro questions to story, Handout on vocabulary, review vocabulary, in-class practice of vocabulary and intro discussion questions.
5タイトルDr. Heidegger Story Part II
Review the topic and vocabulary from part I in order to prepare for critical discussion of Part II. After class reflect on how the story relates to your knowledge and experiences and ideas.
授業内容Warmup questions, review vocabulary from last class, discussion questions in small groups, share salient points and key features of story with other students from other groups. Presentation of final opinions on the story.
6タイトルSomething Funny Story Part I
Prepare for Quiz on the "Dr. Heidegger"--the key components of the story as discussed previously.
Review any unknown or unfamiliar vocabulary to be discussed in the class.
授業内容Quiz on Dr. Heidegger story, warmup questions, intro questions on countryside of America, show photos through iPad on projector, gap-fill for story, preliminary discussions.
7タイトルSomething Funny Story Part II
Review the topic and vocabulary from part I in order to prepare for critical discussion of Part II. After class reflect on how the story relates to your knowledge and experiences and ideas. Prepare for quiz on story.
授業内容Warmup, review questions on part I of story done through in-class activities, discussion questions, share with other groups. Present opinions regarding the salient components of the story.
8タイトルThe House on Mango Street Part I
Prepare for Quiz on the "Something Funny"--the key components of the story as discussed previously.
Review any unknown or unfamiliar vocabulary to be discussed in the class.
授業内容Write quiz on Something Funny, warmup questions, intro to life in Chicago, handout on important vocabulary for the story, practice vocabulary through in-class activities
9タイトルThe House on Mango Street Part II
Review the topic and vocabulary from part I in order to prepare for critical discussion of Part II. After class reflect on how the story relates to your knowledge and experiences and ideas. Prepare for quiz on story.
授業内容Warmup, review questions on part I of story done through in-class activities, discussion questions, share with other groups. Present opinions regarding the salient components of the story.
10タイトルThe Mirror Part I
Prepare for Quiz on the "The House on Mango Street"--the key components of the story as discussed previously.
Review any unknown or unfamiliar vocabulary to be discussed in the class.
授業内容Quiz on The House on Mango Street, intro to "The All American Family" and intro to "Prom Dance", use in-class activities to practice and review the above
11タイトルThe Mirror Part II
Before class review the vocab. and ideas related to The All American Family and Prom Dances. After class review ideas on color and symbolism.
授業内容This class we will read the first half of the story focusing on the color and how it represents the main character. Also, we will look at how age is affecting the character as well as loneliness.
12タイトルThe Mirror Part III
Review the topic and vocabulary from part II in order to prepare for critical discussion of Part III. After class reflect on how the story relates to your knowledge and experiences and ideas. Prepare for quiz on story.
授業内容Review of color and age and how it relates to the symbolism of the story. Then we will have a discussion on the meaning of how the mirror relates to the characters inner life rather than the outer life.
13タイトルPleasantville Part I
Prepare for Quiz on the "The Mirror"--the key components of the story as discussed previously.
Review any unknown or unfamiliar vocabulary to be discussed in the class.
授業内容Quiz on The Mirror, intro. to American life in the 1950's versus modern days. Handout on important vocabulary for the story, in-class activities to practice the vocab.
14タイトルPleasantville Part II
Before class review the vocab. and ideas related to America in the 1950's Make America Great Again. After class review ideas on the first part being related to black and white.
授業内容This class we will read the first half of the story focusing on the use of black and white and how it represents the theme of the story. Also, we will look at how innocence is affecting the character as well as change.
15タイトルPleasantville Part III and final Assignment
Review the topic and vocabulary from part II in order to prepare for critical discussion of Part III. After class reflect on how the story relates to your knowledge and experiences and ideas. Prepare for final assignment of the course
授業内容Review of the previous two parts, Students will discuss the various meanings and symbolism used throughout the story, final assignment.