
藤代 一成/小澤 賢司/石井 孝明
GTJ602 1 (未登録) 1 後期 II
With the advent of HPC, WSN, and GII, digital data to be simulated, measured, and retrieved has been getting larger and more complex. The main target of this course is a computing methodology, called computer visualization, which provides insights gained through visual analysis of salient structures and behaviors embedded in such a data. After fundamental principles are surveyed, we place particular focus on representative techniques to visualize scalar fields in 2D, 3D, 3D+time, and multi-dimensions along the dedicated taxonomies. Up-to-date R&D topics are chosen to discuss the potentials of scalar data visualization, including advanced volume data mining based on differential topology and dimensional reduction schemes.
To be familiar with dedicated paradigm and taxonomies;
To acquire proficiency in fundamental principles and representative techniques;
To be able to visualize practical datasets with standard tools such as Paraview; and
To acquire familiarity with recent R&D topics of computer visualization.
Prerequisite includes basic knowledge about database, computer graphics, image processing, and numerical analysis.
1小テスト/レポート 100  %Short quizzes: 50% (Level of understanding the content of each c lass) , Report: 50% (Literature survey or visualizing practical datasets) 
  1. Handouts will be distributed.
  1. NIH/NSF Visualization Research Challenge Report January 2006.
  2. NVAC: Illuminating the Path: The Research and Development Agenda for Visual Analytics, 2005.
  3. T. Munzner: Visualization Analysis and Design, AK Peters/CRC Press, 2014.
  4. M. Nakajima and I. Fujishiro (eds.): Computer Visualization (in Japanese), Kyoritsu-Syuppan, 2000.
[Online classes using Zoom meeting]
1: Orientation
2: Introduction to scientific visualization
3: Visualization paradigm and taxonomy
4: Marching Squares algorithm and its disambiguation
5: Indirect/direct volume visualization
6: Topologically accentuated volume rendering
7: Advanced volume visualization based on differential topology
8: Multidimensional data visualization