
授業科目名 英語プレゼンテーション演習IIB
時間割番号 181158B
担当教官名 キャラカー,R.
開講学期・曜日・時限 後期・火・II 単位数 2
This class will be a continuation of the first semester. Students will gain exposure to different types of oral presentation styles including introducing someone, demonstrating, persuading, and debate.
Students will learn through example speeches by the instructor and videos. Students will be led throught he speech preparation process step-by-step, until they finally deliver five to ten minute speeches. Students will also watch their own speeches on video for self evaluation.
Four speeches
No sleeping
No cell phones
No late arrivals
  1. print from the instructor
Attendance is the most important part of this class. Students who miss more than three classes will fail the class.