
授業科目名 Intensive90-II(英語)
時間割番号 181095KA
担当教官名 ヴァレリ,M./アレン,G.
開講学期・曜日・時限 前期・月/水/金・VI/VI/VI 単位数 6
コミュニカティヴ・アプローチによる英語中級コース。聞き取りと発語を中心に学習しながら、より高度な表現を駆使し、聞きとれるようにする。週3 回の授業。The purpose of this class is to improve the students’
English through intensive study.
There will be three classes every week during the first
semester. The classes will be on Mondays, Wednesdays, and
Fridays. The classes on Mondays and Fridays will be taken
by Mark Vallely. Wednesday
’s classes will be taken by Gerry Allen.

The students will study reading, writing, and speaking
class work (especially the conversations) and
It is important for the students to speak clearly and be
understood when performing their conversations.
  1. 開講時指示Teaching materials: supplied by the teacher.
  1. 授業中に指示
Mark Vallely’s classes:

Reading: the students will study worksheets and answer
comprehension questions on a particular topic. There will
also be grammar and discussion exercises.

Writing and speaking: the students will do grammar and
vocabulary exercises in order to prepare themselves to
perform a role play. The teacher will then give the
students a theme on which they will have to write a
conversation, for example,
“You are going to a baseball game in Japan with a friend
from the UK. Explain baseball to him/her
”. They will then write their own dialogues and then read
them out in front of the class. The students will be
graded on the quality of their conversations.

The students will also study idioms