
授業科目名 Intensive15-I(英語)
時間割番号 180208KA
担当教官名 橋本 康子/ストロースマン,J./サットン,S./ヴァレリ,M.
開講学期・曜日・時限 集中・(未登録)・(未登録) 単位数 1
The purpose of this class is to improve the students’
English through intensive study.
The day will start with introductions. There will be
opportunities for the students to ask the teacher
questions. The students will pracitise introducing each
other the class. They will then be given the opportunity
to stand up and walk around the classroom asking other
students questions in English.
class work (especially the conversations) and
授業への積極的な参加が求められる授業なので、必ず2日とも休まずに出席すること。It is important for the students to speak clearly and make
themselves understood when performing their conversations.
  1. 授業中に指示
The day will start with introductions. There will be
opportunities for the students to ask the teacher
questions. The students will pracitise introducing each
other the class. They will then be given the opportunity
to stand up and walk around the classroom asking other
students questions in English.

A short discussion will follow on how best the students
can improve their English skills.

After that the students will then do vocabulary,
listening, grammar and writing exercises on a particular

In the afternoon the students will do vocabulary and
grammar exercises in preparation to write a conversation.
They will be given a theme on which they will have to
write a conversation. After completing their
conversations, they will read them out for the whole
class. The students will be graded on the quality of their

There will then be a worksheet.

Finally, there will be a quiz and tongue twister.

Assessment: class work (especially the conversations) and

Teaching materials: supplied by the teacher.

It is important for the students to speak clearly and make
themselves understood when performing their conversations.

Intensive 15-II

The purpose of this class is to improve the students’
English through intensive study.

The day will start with introductions. There will be
opportunities for the students to ask the teacher
questions. The students will pracitise introducing each
other the class. They will then be given the opportunity
to stand up and walk around the classroom asking other
students questions in English.

A short discussion will follow on how best the students
can improve their English skills.

After that the students will then do vocabulary,
listening, grammar and writing exercises on a particular

In the afternoon the students will do vocabulary and
grammar exercises in preparation to write a conversation.
They will be given a theme on which they will have to
write a conversation. After completing their
conversations, they will read them out for the whole
class. The students will be graded on the quality of their

There will then be a worksheet.

Finally, there will be a quiz and tongue twister.