
授業科目名 異文化理解
時間割番号 163925
担当教官名 ヴァレリ,M.
開講学期・曜日・時限 後期・水・III 単位数 2
The purpose of this course is to discover more about British culture, society and the way British people live their lives.
This course will be an overview of British culture and society as expressed through English literature, social studies, film and television programmes.
During the course there will be a quiz to test the students’ general knowledge concerning British culture. The students will study English love poetry, politics, religion, sport and leisure, multiculturalism, education and nonsense poetry. There will also be an opportunity to view some children’s television programmes and watch some British films.
Attendance will be monitored. Students will write one long essay towards the end of the course.
Please be prepared to read some long and detailed hand-outs about British culture.
  1. Teaching materials: Will be supplied by the teacher.