
授業科目名 英語B
時間割番号 050203 C
担当教官名 ヴァレリ,M.
開講学期・曜日・時限 後期・水・I 単位数 2
The purpose of this class is to introduce students to the language and grammar pertinent to a variety of issues and debates and to encourage critical thinking of the nightly news.
This course is concerned with critical thinking on topical issues. After a short course on English writing, students will be given issues on which they must write and present their own views. In each class before the presentation a vote will be taken to discover the feels of the class on the topic under discussion. After that each student will present their opinion. Finally, another vote will be taken to discover if students have changed their vote. In other classes, arguments for and against a topic will be made and open class discussions will he held.
Attendance and class work.
A willingness to give one’s own opinion is essential for this class.
  1. Teaching materials: Supplied by the teacher.