
授業科目名 英語B
時間割番号 050202 P
担当教官名 サットン,S.
開講学期・曜日・時限 後期・木・II 単位数 2
Students all round English skills will be addressed with emphasis on speaking, listening and pronunciation. The text book will be used selectively to provide a basis for study and will be supplemented with additional material.
Lessons will start with warm up questions. The topic will then be discussed as the students should have prepared for the lesson. Grammar points will be explained and practiced in pairs and groups. I also want to use role play and games The course is based around a textbook with listening activities. I also want to use additional materials to supplement the text.
Attendance 30%
Class Participation 30%
Assignments 10%
Exam 30%
I want to keep the energy levels high and through weekly repeated practice have the students become confident in their ability to communicate in English. Willingness to enthusiastically participate is important to the class and to themselves. They should try not to be too self conscious as mistakes are part of the learning process.
  1. David Martin, Talk a Lot Book One, EFL Press
The first lesson will start with a warm up question and answer
session and will continue with ice breaking activities. Students will then be given the chance to practice self introductions with a partner and then introduce themselves to the class followed by answering any questions. Problem points and pronunciation discrepancies will be dealt with. There will be a language based game. The course content and evaluation method will be explained and the students given the chance to clarify any points. The following week’s homework will be explained.
Subsequent lessons will follow a similar pattern and be based around selective work from the textbook and supplementary material.
Two to three weeks will be required at the end of the course for assignment presentation and exams.