
授業科目名 英語A
時間割番号 050201 V
担当教官名 橋本 康子
開講学期・曜日・時限 前期・火・II 単位数 2
The course will aim at making the student familiar with medical terminology. Pronunciation will be corrected and listening exercises also conducted.
A quiz will be given each week on the reading asignment. There will be a final examination. A video will be shown to develop listening power.
The grade will be an average of the quizzes and the final
Active participation will be required.
  1. Rosemary Opacic, et al, English for Medical Students, Nan'Un-Do, ISBN:17264-1 B-264 510106
The classes will be conducted following the text. A video will be shown and listening strength will be developed.