
授業科目名 英語プレゼンテーション演習IB
時間割番号 181157B
担当教官名 J.ストロースマン
開講学期・曜日・時限 前期・水・II 単位数 2
This course is designed to improve composition and presentation skills. The course involves the study of compostion, actual writing and the elements of good presentation.
In this class we will study the elements of composition, following the text, and write original works to be presented in class. We will then discuss how to best present the works, and after presentation, reflect upon performance.
50% attendance, 50% tests(midterm and final). Tests are graded upon quality of composition and presentation.
  1. Jane Sherman, FEEDBACK, Oxford University Press, ISBN:0194542777
Weeks 1-2 Presentation
3-4 Your Voice
5-6 Criteria
7 Midterm
8-10 Using Feedback
11-13 Paragraphing
14 Review and Preparation for Final
15 Final Examination