
授業科目名 英語スピーチ演習
時間割番号 163883
担当教官名 M.ヴァレリ
開講学期・曜日・時限 前期・金・II 単位数 2
The purpose of this course is to improve the students’ public speaking skills.
During the course the students will study various techniques for improving their public speaking. This will include identifying and dealing with nervousness, voice control, pronunciation, the correct way to dress and advice on delivering the speech. The students will speak publicly during every class and will study a variety of speeches designed to evoke different emotions. Later the students will study speech writing. This will include the organization of the speech and the rhetoric involved in writing different kinds of speeches. They will write and deliver their own speeches.
Attendance and the quality of the speeches (content and delivery).
The desire to communicate clearly with a room full of people is important for this course.
  1. Supplied by the teacher.
1st week Rhythm and Intonation
2nd week Articulation and
3rd week Fluency
4th week Poise and Gesture
5th week Rhetoric
7th week Composition of a Speech
(practice A)
8th week Composition of a Speech
(practice B)
9th week Composition of a Speech
(practice C)
10th week Elocution and the Delivery
of Expressions
11th week Public Speaking (practice A)
12th week Public Speaking (practice B)
13th week Public Speaking (practice C)
14th week Comprehensive Review
15th week Examination