
授業科目名 英語C(上級)
時間割番号 055112E
担当教官名 J.ストロースマン
開講学期・曜日・時限 後期・木・II 単位数 2
Following the text, we will read about and discuss legal issues.
50% attendance, 50% tests(midterm and final).
  1. Hajime Terauchi, Familiarize Yourself with Legal Issues, 三修社, ISBN:4384333374
1 Rental Contracts
2 Road Traffic Act
3 Recycling
4 Family Register
5 Bar Examination and Law School
6 Nationality and Naturalization
7 Amendment of the Constitution
8 Judicial System
9 Personal Bankruptcy
10 Stalking
11 Wills
12 Surnames of Married Couples
13 Contracts
14 Copyright Law
15 Net Crime