
授業科目名 英語C(中級)
時間割番号 055111J
担当教官名 M.ヴァレリ
開講学期・曜日・時限 前期・火・I 単位数 2
The purpose of this class is to introduce students to language and grammar pertinent to a variety of social situation.
The purpose of this course is to introduce students to language appropriate to a variety of social situations. The students will answer questions, study dialogues, practice pronunciation and do grammar exercises concerned with a particular social situation. After they have studied the situation they will then write their own dialogues presenting their own ideas. Finally, the students will perform their dialogues before the rest of the class. Habitual mistakes in English will be corrected on the board. There will also be exercises in correcting habitual mistakes.

Attendance and class work.
Creative thought and self-expression conditional to the situation are of importance for this course.
  1. Teaching materials: Supplied by the teacher.