
授業科目名 英語C(中級)
時間割番号 055111F
担当教官名 J.ストロースマン
開講学期・曜日・時限 後期・金・III 単位数 2
In this class we will read about and discuss working in the international sphere.
Following the text, we will read, do exercises and discuss the issues involved.
50% attendance, 50% tests(midterm and final).
  1. Makoto Shishido Bruce Allen, Global Understanding - Success in International Business, 成美堂, ISBN:4791940660
1 Globalization in Business and Culture
2 Business Manners: Body Language
3 Names, Titles and Terms of Respect
4 Business Etiquette
5 Individualism and Group Spirit
6 Working Overseas
7 Coping with Language and Culture Shock
8 Hospitality and Friendship
9 Negotiations: Cultural Differences
10 Negotiating for Win-Win Solutions
11 US and Japanese Business: A Case Study
12 Marketing, Advertising and Distribution
13 Communication in the Thumb Generation
14 Women in the International Workplace
15 Final