
授業科目名 英語R(中級)
時間割番号 055101V
担当教官名 滝口 晴生
開講学期・曜日・時限 前期・金・III 単位数 2
  1. M. G. Vogel & V. Johnson, Amazing Facts, (金星堂)
1 授業の説明
2 Why do we use blue for boy babies and pink for girls?
3 Why do barber shops have red and white poles outside?
4 How did April Fool's Day begin?
5 How did eggs and rabbits become associated with the celebration of Easter?
6 関連記事を読む
7 When were the first clocks made?
8 What were the first methods of measurement?
9 Who established the first calendar?
10 How did myths begin?
11 関連記事を読む
12 Why did men begin walking on the side of a woman nearest the road?
13 Why do cars drive on the right side of the road?