
授業科目名 英語R(中級)
時間割番号 055101H
担当教官名 クラウジア・ポール
開講学期・曜日・時限 前期・木・I 単位数 2
This class will focus on developing the students ability to read English language, newspapers, magazines, professional journals and casual books and short stories.
Materials needed
1) Spiral notebook
2) Japanese to English Dictionary
3) English to Japanese Dictionary
4) No textbook is required
a) Students will read the provided source and highlight unfamiliar words and phrases. They will then look for the definitions of those words. 0-5 points
b) Students will discuss the provided reading materials in class. 0-5 points
c) The students will write summaries of the materials provided 0-5 points
1) Students are allowed two absences for cause from this class
2) Students are expected to notify the teacher before any absence by fax, telephone or e-mail.
3) Any classes missed over the limit must be made up by the student