
原本 英司/西田  継/中村 高志/遠山 忠/亀井 樹
GTR510 2 (未登録) 1 前期 I
[Environmental Statistics]
The purpose of this class is to understand the basics of environmental statistics which is essential in environmental science researches. This class contains a variety of topics, such as basic statistics, probability distribution, analysis of variance, regression analysis, and multivariate analysis. Japanese and oversea students study together through group work. English is potentially used.
- To be able to explain theoretically about the results of statistical analysis for environmental datasets using appropriate statistical method(s).
Knowledge required to take this class: Statistics, Water quality
[It is difficult to get the credits of this course without the above knowledge, so students are advised to take this class after careful consideration.]
1小テスト/レポート 50  %論理的に記述、考察できているか / Quiz and assignments 
2受講態度 25  %グループワークに積極的に参加したか / Attitude in the class 
3発表/表現等 25  %分かりやすい発表ができたか / Presentation and discussion 
  1. 特に指定しない / Nothing special
  1. 特に指定しない / Nothing special
1. Basic statistics: arithmetic/geometric mean, variance, and standard deviation (Haramoto)
2. Basic statistics: moving average and correlation coefficient (Haramoto)
3. Basic statistics: Spearman's rank correlation coefficient (Haramoto)
4. Probability distribution (Kamei)
5. Test: t-test (Kamei)
6. Test: analysis of variance (Kamei)
7. Regression analysis: single regression, least-squares method, correlation coefficient, coefficient of determination (Nakamura)
8. Regression analysis: multiple regression using continuous variables (Nakamura, Nishida)
9. Regression analysis: regression matrix, multicollinearity (Nakamura, Nishida)
10. Nominal variables to dummy variables (Nishida)
11. Regression analysis: multiple regression including nominal variables, confounding (Nishida)
12. Regression analysis: multi-level linear multiple regression model (Nishida)
13. Multivariate analysis: cluster analysis (Toyama)
14. Multivariate analysis: multivariate analysis and :principal component analysis (Toyama)
15. Multivariate analysis: xxx (Toyama)

第1回 基本統計量:算術・幾何平均、分散、標準偏差(原本)
第2回 基本統計量:移動平均、相関係数(原本)
第3回 基本統計量:スピアマンの順位相関係数(原本)
第4回 確率分布(亀井)
第5回 検定:t検定(亀井)
第6回 検定:分散分析(亀井)
第7回 回帰分析:単回帰、最小二乗法、相関係数、決定係数(中村)
第8回 回帰分析:連続変数の重回帰(中村、西田)
第9回 回帰分析:相関マトリックス、多重共線性(中村、西田)
第10回 名義変数・ダミー変数(西田)
第11回 回帰分析:名義変数を含む重回帰、交絡(西田)
第12回 回帰分析:マルチレベル線形重回帰モデルの紹介(西田)
第13回 多変量解析:クラスター分析(遠山)
第14回 多変量解析:主成分分析(遠山)
第15回 多変量解析:お楽しみ(遠山)