
授業科目名 英語MC
時間割番号 CEM303 A
担当教員名 マロニー.J
開講学期・曜日・時限 前期・月・II 単位数 2
This course aims to give students a greater understanding of human biology and health sciences, as well as deliver effective presentations.
<到達目標>  到達目標とは
1Students will be able to improve their critical thinking skills and their communication ability, overcome their fears and inhibitions about speaking English and learn how to express themselves effectively, naturally and with confidence on a variety of topics.A
2Students will read a variety of texts that will allow them to understand a full range of related vocabulary and phraseology. Students will learn to accurately interpret vocabulary and meaning from the context.B
3Students will be able to gain listening skills through interactive activities and improve their ability to express themselves as well as developing and conveying their opinions.C
4Students will learn to present on various topics in a clear and logical fashion, as well as supporting their ideas appropriately by using sources. They will also learn to peer review in a constructive manner and question each other.D
125%Presentations 50%. Quizzes and assignments 30%. Classroom participation - pair work, group work, interactive activities 20%
225%Presentations 50%. Quizzes and assignments 30%. Classroom participation - pair work, group work, interactive activities 20%
325%Presentations 50%. Quizzes and assignments 30%. Classroom participation - pair work, group work, interactive activities 20%
425%Presentations 50%. Quizzes and assignments 30%. Classroom participation - pair work, group work, interactive activities 20%
Classes will be conducted face-to-face and/or online as appropriate. This will be done through a variety of discussion topics, readings, in-depth vocabulary study and research projects. Students will be expected to give presentations throughout the year on some of the topics covered, therefore effective presentation skills will also be taught. There are 12 units in the course, and 6 will be covered each semester. Students will be informed by their individual teacher if circumstances arise that require implementing necessary safety precautions.
This class will be taught in English, and students will be expected to use English in the class. Students should be prepared to bring a laptop computer/iPad/smartphone if directed to by the teacher. In the event that classes are online, students will be expected to use Moodle and/or MS Teams as directed by the teacher.
  1. Sasajima, Godfrey, Gilroy, Gleeson, O`Toole, CLIL Health Sciences, 三修社, ISBN:9784384334241,
    (Will be used over both semesters.)
1タイトルIntroduction to the course, and any suitable ice-breaker activities.
Before class, go through the syllabus and prepare any questions regarding the course.
After class, review materials covered.
授業内容Introduction to the course, and any suitable ice-breaker activities. Teachers could also spend some time going over the Introduction section on Maths and Counting.
2タイトルTopic 1: Diet and Exercise.
Before class, preview the upcoming Unit.
After class, review materials covered.
授業内容Topic 1: Diet and Exercise. Work through the text, covering Listen and Think, Pair Work, Reading, Target Terms, Focus on Language, and Focus on Content. Some sections may be omitted if the teacher feels that they are not relevant. Set up the Research section for the next session.
3タイトルTopic 1: Diet and Exercise. Complete the Research section.
Before the class, preview the the research project.
After class, reflect on what you have learned.
授業内容Topic 1:Diet and Exercise. Complete the Research section.
4タイトルTopic 2 : The Body and the Immune System.
Before class, preview the upcoming Unit.
After class, review materials covered.
授業内容Topic 2: The Body and the Immune System. Work through the text, covering Listen and Think, Pair Work, Reading, Target Terms, Focus on Language, and Focus on Content. Some sections may be omitted if the teacher feels that they are not relevant. Set up the Research section for the next session.
5タイトルTopic 2: The Body and the Immune System. Complete the Research section.
Before the class, preview the the research project.
After class, reflect on what you have learned.
授業内容Topic 2: The Body and the Immune System. Complete the Research section.
6タイトルTopic 3: The Brain and the Nervous System.
Before class, preview the upcoming Unit.
After class, review materials covered.
授業内容Topic 3: The Brain and the Nervous System. Work through the text, covering Listen and Think, Pair Work, Reading, Target Terms, Focus on Language, and Focus on Content. Some sections may be omitted if the teacher feels that they are not relevant. Set up the Research section for the next session.
7タイトルTopic 3: The Brain and the Nervous System. Complete the Research section.
Before the class, preview the the research project.
After class, reflect on what you have learned.
授業内容Topic 3: The Brain and the Nervous System. Complete the Research section.
8タイトルTopic 4: The Use of Drugs.
Before class, preview the upcoming Unit.
After class, review materials covered.
授業内容Topic 4: The Use of Drugs. Work through the text, covering Listen and Think, Pair Work, Reading, Target Terms, Focus on Language, and Focus on Content. Some sections may be omitted if the teacher feels that they are not relevant. Set up the Research section for the next session.
9タイトルTopic 4: The Use of Drugs. Complete the Research section.
Before the class, preview the the research project.
After class, reflect on what you have learned.
授業内容Topic 4: The Use of Drugs. Complete the Research section.
10タイトルTopic 5 : Adaptation.
Before class, preview the upcoming Unit.
After class, review materials covered.
授業内容Topic 5: Adaptation. Work through the text, covering Listen and Think, Pair Work, Reading, Target Terms, Focus on Language, and Focus on Content. Some sections may be omitted if the teacher feels that they are not relevant. Set up the Research section for the next session.
11タイトルTopic 5 : Adaptation. Complete the Research section.
Before the class, preview the the research project.
After class, reflect on what you have learned.
授業内容Topic 5: Adaptation. Complete the Research section.
12タイトルTopic 6: Energy and Biomass in the Food Chain.
Before class, preview the upcoming Unit.
After class, review materials covered.
授業内容Topic 6: Energy and Biomass in the Food Chain. Work through the text, covering Listen and Think, Pair Work, Reading, Target Terms, Focus on Language, and Focus on Content. Some sections may be omitted if the teacher feels that they are not relevant. Set up the Research section for the next session.
13タイトルTopic 6: Energy and Biomass on the Food Chain. Complete the Research section.
Before the class, preview the the research project.
After class, reflect on what you have learned.
授業内容Topic 6: Energy and Biomass on the Food Chain. Complete the Research section.
14タイトルPresentations Part 1.
Before class, prepare and practice your presentation.
After class, reflect on areas for improvement for future presentations.
授業内容Presentations. Students should give a presentation on one of the topics covered. Presentations should be around 5 - 7minutes long, and delivered without PowerPoint or any other similar software.
Teachers should encourage questions from the rest of the class, and give feedback to those presenting. Therefore, split this into two sessions, doing half the class this week, and half next week.
15タイトルPresentations Part 2.
Before class, prepare and practice your presentation.
After class, reflect on areas for improvement for future presentations.
授業内容Presentations Part 2.
Conducted the same as the previous year.