
原本 英司/西田  継/近藤 尚己/山縣 然太朗/中尾 篤人
GTR512 2 (未登録) 1 集中 (未登録) (未登録)
[Life and Health]
This course is designed to provide you with a basic knowledge on the assessment of population health and health risks in the environmental context of river basins in developing countries, and its application to actual environmental interventions. The primary methodology you learn in this course is from epidemiology but this course also covers a variety of disciplines including environmental engineering, immunology, microbiology, and public health policy. You learn about the hazardous factors in physical and social environment and their potential adverse impacts on health, and the methods for the identification and quantification of those health risks. We wrap up the course with the discussion on how to apply the scientific evidence to the real world, introducing some examples such as the Health Impact Assessment framework and some interdisciplinary approaches to the management of environment and population health.
- Environmental engineering: To understand the basics on environmental hazards.
- Health risk: To understand the basics on helth risk analysis.
- Immunology: To understand the basics of human immunology and the immunological responses to the pathogenic substances in the water.
- Epidemiology: To understand the basic epidemiologic designs, index on population health and health risks, the concept of bias and confounding, and basics in biostatistics.
- Public health: To understand the basics on health impact assessment.
Chemistry, biology, statistic, and mathematics at university basic course level.
1小テスト/レポート 50  %論理的に記述、考察できているか / Quiz and assignments 
2受講態度 50  %積極的に質疑、応答ができているか / Attitude in the class 
  1. 特に指定しない / Nothing special
  1. 特に指定しない / Nothing special
1. Environmental Engineering 1 (Haramoto)
2. Environmental Engineering 2 (Haramoto)
3. Environmental Engineering 3 (Haramoto)
4. Health Risk 1 (Nishida)
5. Health Risk 2 (Nishida)
6. Health Risk 3 (Nishida)
7. Immunology 1 (Nakao)
8. Immunology 2 (Nakao)
9. Epidemiology 1 (Yamagata)
10. Epidemiology 2 (Yamagata)
11. Public health 1 (Kondo)
12. Public health 2 (Kondo)
13. Public health 3 (Kondo)
14. Group discussion 1 (Nishida, Haramoto)
15. Group discussion 1 (Nishida, Haramoto)
第1回 衛生工学1:環境ハザードの種類(原本)
第2回 衛生工学2:環境ハザードの測定法(原本)
第3回 衛生工学3:環境ハザードの課題(原本)
第4回 健康リスク学1:暴露解析の概要(西田)
第5回 健康リスク学2:健康リスクの算出法(西田)
第6回 健康リスク学3:健康リスク学の課題(西田)
第7回 免疫学1:免疫システムの概要(中尾)
第8回 免疫学2:免疫システムに基づく健康影響メカニズムの解析法(中尾)
第9回 疫学1:疫学手法の概要(山縣)
第10回 疫学2:ヒト集団を対象とした疫学手法の基礎(山縣)
第11回 公衆衛生学1:ヒト集団を対象とした疫学手法の応用(近藤)
第12回 公衆衛生学2:健康影響評価(HIA)の概要(近藤)
第13回 公衆衛生学3:健康影響評価(HIA)の実例(近藤)
第14回 グループ討論1:研究成果の社会実装における課題の討論(西田、原本)
第15回 グループ討論2:研究のイノベーションの可能性に関する討論(西田、原本)