
藤代 一成
GTK612 1 (未登録) 1 後期 II
With the advent of HPC, WSN, and GII, digital data to be simulated, measured, and retrieved has been getting larger and more complex. The main target of this course is a computing methodology, called computer visualization, which provides insights gained through visual analysis of salient structures and behaviors embedded in such a data. After providing the summary of Advanced Topics in Computer Science and Engineering II, fundamentals of structured data visualizations are focused on. Then, several emerging R&D topics are chosen to discuss the potentials of state-of-the-art computer visualization, including visual analytics, XR-based visualization, computational journalism, and computational aesthetics.。
To acquire proficiency in fundamental principles and representative techniques for structured data visualization;
to be acquainted with emerging R&D topics; and
to be able to visualize practical datasets with standard tools such as Paraview.
To have the credit for Advanced Topics in Computer Science and Engineering II
1小テスト/レポート 100  %Short quizzes: 50% (Level of understanding the content of each class)   Semester Report: 50% (Visualizing practical datasets) 
  1. Handout will be distributed every week though the intranet.
  1. NIH/NSF Visualization Research Challenge Report January 2006.
  2. NVAC: Illuminating the Path: The Research and Development Agenda for Visual Analytics, 2005.
  3. T. Munzner, Visualization Analysis and Design, AK Peters/CRC Press, 2014., AK Peters/CRC Press
  4. M. Nakajima and I. Fujishiro, Computer Visualization (in Japanese), Kyoritsu-Syuppan
1) Summary of course II and orientation
2) Visualizing vector fields
3) Visualizing tensor fields
4) Fundamentals of information visualization
5) Introduction to visual analytics
6) XR-based visualization: Juxtaposition and multi-modality
7) Computational journalism
8) Computational aesthetics