
授業科目名 英語ライティング演習
時間割番号 EEL221
担当教員名 パンディ.A.
開講学期・曜日・時限 後期・火・IV 単位数 2
This course will help students develop competence in written communication by practicing writing clear sentences and paragraphs. Students will learn how to recognize and use sentence patterns and to write coherent paragraphs containing a topic sentence, idea development, and a strong conclusion. Students will complete a variety of writing assignments and develop skills in creative and expository writing.
• Understand the pre-writing process
• Develop effective sentences
• Write a paragraph
• Identify patterns of development in paragraphs
• Begin to develop the ability to revise one’s own work
• Produce and assemble a portfolio of original poetry
• I will introduce key elements of good academic writing
• I will provide two-paragraph model composition for students to identify key vocabulary, transition devices, and sentence structures
• Students will use this model and new language to write compositions of their own
1小テスト/レポート 90  %Poetry (7X6); Composition (6X8) 
2発表/表現等 10  %Japan ABC Project (1X10); 
Japan ABC Project (1X10) 10
Poetry (7X6) 42
Composition (6X8) 48
  1. Ian Munby & Dorothy E. Zemach, Read to Write Compositions, BTB Press, ISBN:978-4-905088-52-3 B5,
    (Supplementary handouts will be provided by the teacher. You must have a notebook (and pen!) for this class.)
1 Orientation; Project: Japan A,B,C (Introduction)
2 Capital Letters; What is a Sentence?; Simple Sentences
3 And, But, & Or; Compound Sentences 1; Compound Sentences 2
4 Because and So; Complex Sentences; Subject-Verb Agreement
5 Tense Agreement; Singular and Plural Nouns
6 Project: Japan A,B,C (Presentation)
7 Poetry: Couplet; Triplet; Quatrain
8 Poetry: Acrostic; Haiku
9 Poetry: Cinquain; Diamante
10 Composition: Advantages & Disadvantages
11 Composition: Love-Hate Relationships
12 Composition: Compare & Contrast
13 Composition: Then & Now
14 Composition: Problems & Solutions
15 Composition: For & Against

Detailed class syllabus and schedule will be provided on the first day of class.