山梨大学電子シラバス>検索結果一覧>授業データ |
授業科目名 | Intercultural Understanding through Images | ||||||||||||||||||
分類・系統 | |||||||||||||||||||
時間割番号 | CAC032 | ||||||||||||||||||
担当教員名 | 奥村 圭子/グレアム.P./リード.G./田中 武夫/皆川 万葉/フォミチョヴァ クセニヤ | ||||||||||||||||||
開講学期・曜日・時限 | 前期・月・V | 単位数 | 2 | ||||||||||||||||
<対象学生> | |||||||||||||||||||
All students | |||||||||||||||||||
<授業の目的> | |||||||||||||||||||
We hope to give students an opportunity to both reflect on their own cultures and gain an understanding of other cultures through interaction with classmates. Through this interaction, students will recognize the limits of their own cultural frames and will be exposed to diverse systems of value and logic. | |||||||||||||||||||
1. To be able to develop intercultural understanding 2. To be able to examine difference between your own culture and other cultural behavior and values 3. To be able to improve communication skills by exploring and exchanging different ideas about relationships and other customs in English |
<授業の方法> | |||||||||||||||||||
Lecturers of diverse majors will give the classes in turn. Students are expected to participate fully in both group discussion and the final group presentation. |
<成績評価の方法> | |||||||||||||||||||
<受講に際して・学生へのメッセージ> | |||||||||||||||||||
All students who are interested in cross cultural understanding are welcome. Brush up your English while opening your eyes to another culture. |
<テキスト> | |||||||||||||||||||
(未登録) | |||||||||||||||||||
<参考書> | |||||||||||||||||||
(未登録) | |||||||||||||||||||
<授業計画の概要> | |||||||||||||||||||
01)Orientation(オリエンテーション) Keiko Okumura 02)Cool Japan 1 (かっこいい日本の再発見 1) Takeo Tanaka 03)Cool Japan 2 (かっこいい日本の再発見 2) Takeo Tanaka 04)What can countries learn from each other? 1 (国々は互いに何を学べるか 1) Philip Graham 05)What can countries learn from each other? 2 (国々は互いに何を学べるか 2) Philip Graham 06)Non-verbal communication across cultures 1 (異文化間における非言語コミュニケーション 1) Kseniya Fomichova 07)Non-verbal communication across cultures 1 (異文化間における非言語コミュニケーション 2) Kseniya Fomichova 08)Individual vs. Group 1(個人 vs. 集団 1) Gordon Reid 09)Individual vs. Group 2(個人 vs. 集団 2) Gordon Reid 10)Daily life in Palestine 1 (写真から考えるパレスチナの日常生活 1) Mayo Minagawa 11)Daily life in Palestine 2 (写真から考えるパレスチナの日常生活 2) Mayo Minagawa 12)People’s sense of values 1(人々の価値観を考える 1)Keiko Okumura 13)People’s sense of values 2(人々の価値観を考える 2)Keiko Okumura 14)Group presentation(学生による成果発表)Okumura and others 15)Comments & student evaluation(まとめとフィードバック)Okumura and others |
<実務経験のある教員による授業科目の概要> | |||||||||||||||||||
オムニバス形式で、学内外の教員が実務経験を踏まえた実践的な教育を行います。 | |||||||||||||||||||
<JABEEプログラムの学習・教育目標との対応> | |||||||||||||||||||