
授業科目名 英語オーラルコミュニケーション(上級)
時間割番号 CEG3OR
担当教員名 グレアム.P.
開講学期・曜日・時限 後期・火・I 単位数 2
The primary aim of this course is to have students discuss and critically analyse various topics, and then give presentations on these topics. They will learn basic presentation skills and have the chance to improve their confidence in using English, as well as expressing their thoughts and ideas in front of others.
<到達目標>  到達目標とは
[Cross-cultural understanding and English literacy]<BR>The goal is for students to improve their basic presentation skills; voice, gesture, language usage and eye contact. Additionally, they will learn about making an effective argument, using sources and critical analysis of a topic.
In the class a topic will be introduced and relevant vocabulary provided by the teacher. Authentic listening sources on the topic will also sometimes be used., Students will then discuss the topic and consider their views and opinions on the topic. The following week, students will give an oral presentation on the topic, with particular reference to their home country.
1試験:期末期 50  %Presentations 
2小テスト/レポート 30  %Classroom work 
3発表/表現等 20  %Class participation 
Students will be evaluated on discussions and presentations.<BR><BR>国際交流センターのG-フィロスにおける英会話練習で、最高で20点まで加えられる。詳細は第1回目の授業で説明する。
  1. No textbooks are required for this class.
Week 1 - Introduction to class. Mini presentations from students<BR>Week 2 - Animal Rights<BR>Week 3 - Animal Rights presentations<BR>Week 4 - Alcohol & Drugs<BR>Week 5 - Alcohol & Drugs presentations<BR>Week 6 - Environment & Green Issues<BR>Week 7 - Environment & Green Issues presentations<BR>Week 8 - Racism & Xenophobia<BR>Week 9 - Racism & Xenophobia presentations<BR>Week 10 - Sexism<BR>Week 11 - Sexism presentations<BR>Week 12 - Immigration<BR>Week 13 - Immigration final presentations<BR>Week 14 - Immigration final presentations<BR>Week 15 - Immigration final presentations
(J) 論理的な表現・伝達能力