
授業科目名 英語ライティング演習
時間割番号 EEL221
担当教員名 パンディ.A.
開講学期・曜日・時限 後期・火・IV 単位数 2
This course will be devoted to composition writing. Students will study and practice how to organize and present their ideas. They will also learn how to write drafts and edit their own work. The process from developing ideas, drawing up outlines and working towards a final composition will be taught.
The goal is for students to acquire the confidence to generate ideas for topics for compositions based on their own experience of the world around them, organize those ideas logically and meaningfully and write clear, interesting compositions in English.
In class, the teacher will first lecture on different forms of writing and then help students brainstorm ideas for a topic for compositions. The students will then be shown how to select suitable ideas, put their ideas in a written form, and edit them to produce a clear, logically formulated piece of written work.<BR>For homework, students will be required to complete grammar worksheets necessary for producing well-written compositions.
1試験:期末期 30  %Final Writing Test 
2試験:中間期 25  %Mid-term Writing Test 
3小テスト/レポート 45  %Grammar Tests (7 X 5 points) 
  1. Worksheets will be provided by the teacher. You must have a notebook (and pen!) for this class.
Details will be announced and class schedule will be provided on the first day of the course.<BR><BR>1 Personal Narrative <BR>2 Personal Narrative <BR>3 Personal Narrative Grammar Test 1<BR>4 Persuasive Writing <BR>5 Persuasive Writing Grammar Test 2<BR>6 Persuasive Writing <BR>7 Mid-term test Grammar Test 3<BR>8 Fictional Narrative <BR>9 Fictional Narrative Grammar Test 4<BR>10 Fictional Narrative <BR>11 Expository Writing Grammar Test 5<BR>12 Expository Writing <BR>13 Expository Writing Grammar Test 6<BR>14 Expository Writing <BR>15 Final test Grammar Test 7