
授業科目名 英語オーラルコミュニケーション(上級)
時間割番号 CEG3OO
担当教員名 ストロースマン.J.
開講学期・曜日・時限 後期・金・III 単位数 2
The purpose of this class is to train good speakers and listeners.
<到達目標>  到達目標とは
1能力と技能Students will develop speaking and listening skills through presentation practice.
The textbook guides us through basic presentation skills. We will gradually master these skills through exercises. Then at the end of a section students will do presentations reflecting the skills they′ve learned.
1試験:期末期 25  %Final listening test 
2受講態度 15  %Attend and fully participate in exercises 
3発表/表現等 60  %2 Presentations x 30 points each 
  1. Kate Elwood, Say It with Skill, 南雲堂, ISBN:9784523177807
1 Unit 1 Say It with Gaze<BR>2 Unit 2 Say It with Notes<BR>3 Unit 3 Say It with Gestures<BR>4 Unit 4 Say It with Variety<BR>5 Unit 5 Say It with Questions<BR>6 Presentation 1 - Units 1-5 の能力を示すプレゼンテーション<BR>7 Presentation 2 (second half)<BR>8 Unit 6 Say It with Focus<BR>9 Unit 7 Say It with Appeal<BR>10 Unit 8 Say It with Clarity<BR>11 Unit 9 Say It with Closure<BR>12 Unit 10 Say It with Visuals<BR>13 Presentation 2 - Units 6-10 の能力を示すプレゼンテーション<BR>14 Presentation 2 (second half)<BR>15 Listening Test