An Introduction to Scientific English for Japanese College Students, 南雲堂
1 ガイダンス<BR>2 Chapter 5: Variation and Classification (5.1, 5.2)<BR>3 Chapter 5: Variation and Classification (Literacy Activity, 5.3)<BR>4 Chapter 5: Variation and Classification (5.4, 5.5)<BR>5 Chapter 5: Variation and Classification (Closer)<BR>6 Chapter 6: Acids, alkalis and salts (6.1, 6.2)<BR>7 Chapter 6: Acids, alkalis and salts (6.3, 6.4)<BR>8 Chapter 6: Acids, alkalis and salts (Closer)<BR>9 Chapter 7: Habitats, adaptation and chains (7.1, 7.2)<BR>10 Chapter 7: Habitats, adaptation and chains (7.3, 7.4)<BR>11 Chapter 7: Habitats, adaptation and chains (7.5, Closer)<BR>12 Chapter 8: Chemical Changes (8.1, 8.2)<BR>13 Chapter 8: Chemical Changes (8.3, 8.4)<BR>14 Chapter 8: Chemical Changes (8. Chemical Changes 5, Closer)<BR>15 総括・評価・まとめ<BR>進行状況に応じ、各章のセクションの振り分けは上記計画と多少ずれることもある<BR>Detailed class syllabus and schedule will be provided on the first day of class.