山梨大学電子シラバス>検索結果一覧>授業データ |
相馬 一義
329445 | 2 | (未登録) | 1 | 前期 | 木 | II | ||||||||||||||||
[概要と目標] | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Advanced Course on Hydrometeorology<BR><BR>Target of lecture is that students learn the elements of meteorology and practical knowledge about disaster reduction caused by extreme weather by developing the contents of applied fluid dynamics, hydrology at undergraduate course. In this lecture, Japanese will be mainly used but English explanations can be added.<BR><BR>学部で履修した応用流体力学・水文学を発展させて,気象学の基礎と応用力を身につける.災害を引き起こす気象現象の発生メカニズムについて理解するとともに,気象予報,渇水,豪雨災害への対応などの実務的な内容を把握する.講義は日本語と英語で行う. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
[到達目標] | ||||||||||||||||||||||
To understand and explain about the cause of meteorological phenomena which causes disasters (especially extratropical cyclones and atmospheric instability), and practical knowledge about disaster reduction (especially weather forecast and measures against heavy rainfall).<BR><BR>災害を引き起こす気象現象のメカニズム(特に大気の不安定・低気圧の発生),気象学の減災への活用(特に気象観測と予測の現状・豪雨災害への対応)について理解・説明できること. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
[必要知識・準備] | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Understanding of basic contents of hydrology at undergraduate course is needed.<BR>Before or after the class, it is preferable to summarize your own lecture note. <BR>大学学部レベルの水文学の内容が理解できていることが必要である.予習・復習として講義ノートを自分なりに要約することが望ましい. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
[評価基準] | ||||||||||||||||||||||
[教科書] | ||||||||||||||||||||||
[参考書] | ||||||||||||||||||||||
[講義項目] | ||||||||||||||||||||||
If you want to attend the lecture, please send an email to the instructor.<BR>講義を受講したい場合は担当教員にメール等でお知らせください.<BR><BR>1. Extreme weather which causes disaster<BR>2. Synoptic scale whether and surface weather chart<BR>3. The genesis and development of extratropical cyclones 1<BR>4. The genesis and development of extratropical cyclones 2<BR>5. Atmospheric instability 1<BR>6. Atmospheric instability 2<BR>7. The development of tropical cyclones<BR>8. Monsoon<BR>9. Climate change<BR>10.Shortage of water, design rainfall for river planning<BR>11.Wheather observations and predictions<BR>12.Rainfall - runoff process in river planning<BR>13.Occurrence of flood and flood disaster<BR>14.Measure against torrential rainfall disaster<BR>15.Examination<BR>1.災害をもたらす気象現象<BR>2.天気図と大規模な風の場<BR>3.低気圧はなぜできるのか1<BR>4.低気圧はなぜできるのか2<BR>5.豪雨の要因(大気の不安定)1<BR>6.豪雨の要因(大気の不安定)2<BR>7.台風はなぜ発達するか<BR>8.梅雨とは何か<BR>9.今年の夏が暑いのは気候変動なのか<BR>10.渇水,河道計画における計画降雨<BR>11. 気象観測と天気予報の現状<BR>12.河道計画における降雨〜流出変換<BR>13.洪水流出と水害形態<BR>14.豪雨災害への対応<BR>15.評価:総括・まとめ<BR>以上の項目を15回で講義する. |