
授業科目名 英語リーディング・ライティング
時間割番号 062026Y
担当教員名 スミス. R
開講学期・曜日・時限 前期・金・III 単位数 2
工・生 <BR>主に英語A中級・B中級を履修した学生
<到達目標>  到達目標とは
In class a textbook will be used providing practice in the skills mentioned above.<BR>Students will be asked to write paragraphs. These paragraphs will be shared with other students in small groups and discussions will follow.
1試験:期末期 50  %授業で取り組んだ内容に基づいて理解度を評価する。 
2小テスト/レポート 50  %授業で行う小テストおよび課題・発表等の取り組みを評価する。 
Participating actively in class will be beneficial for you and the entire class.<BR>Please be prepared to ask and answer questions and express your opinions.
A textbook and handouts will be used in class. Small group work and small discussions and readings will be daily class activities.<BR><BR>Week 1: Orientation and explanation of the purpose of the course.<BR> Sentence structure and paragraph structure<BR>Week 2: Topic sentence, supporting sentences, concluding sentence.<BR>Week 3: Formal and informal writing<BR>Week 4: Writing an opinion paragraph<BR>Week 5: Planning and writing paragraphs<BR> Paragraph presentations<BR>Week 6: Reading an essay<BR>Week 7: Descriptive paragraphs<BR>Week 8: Short test<BR>Week 9: Descriptive and persuasive essays<BR>Week 10: Descriptive and persuasive essays<BR>Week 11: Reading an essay<BR>Week 12: Small group discussions and readings<BR>Week 13: Essay structure and topic selection<BR>Week 14: Writing an essay of your choice<BR>Week 15: Final test and/or presentation