
授業科目名 英語リーディング・ライティング
時間割番号 062026I
担当教員名 ブラウン.J
開講学期・曜日・時限 前期・金・III 単位数 2
工・生 <BR>主に英語AII・BIIを履修した学生
<到達目標>  到達目標とは
Practice in reading high beginning texts. Practice in writing narratives and personal expression paragraphs using basic sentence patterns and correct spelling, punctuation, and format. This will be accomplished through:<BR><BR>-prewriting activities<BR>-paragraph writing<BR>-group writing<BR>-note taking<BR>-grammar and vocabulary activities<BR>-group discussions<BR>-grammar practice exercises
1試験:期末期 50  %授業で取り組んだ内容に基づいて理解度を評価する 
2小テスト/レポート 50  %授業で行う小テストおよび課題・発表等の取り組みを評価する 
Details of class rules will be discussed on the first day of class.<BR><BR>IMPORTANT:<BR>*In order to be successful in this class, students should be familiar with basic English grammar.
  1. Ann Hogue, First Steps in Academic Writing, Pearson Longman, ISBN:9780132414883
  2. Margorie Fuchs, Margaret Bonner & Miriam Westheimer, Focus on Grammar 3, 4th Edition, Pearson Longman, ISBN:9780132546485
  1. Longman Dictionary of American English, 4th Edition, Pearson Longman, ISBN:9781405884662
Week 1: Introduction to class; paragraph format; present tense; questions and negatives, spelling rules; <BR>Week 2: Present continuous tense; present versus present continuous, non-continuous verbs<BR>Week 3: Review simple past tense, spelling rules for adding ed and ing; paragraph unity, topic sentence and supporting detail<BR>Week 4: Paragraph #1 due; simple and compound sentences; past continuous versus simple past; past habit (used to)<BR>Week 5: Spelling rules and irregular past tense verb quiz; future tense; future time clauses; complex sentences; begin Paragraph #2 (Description)<BR>Week 6: Paragraph #2 first draft due; present perfect, for and since, already/ yet; indefinite past; present perfect continuous<BR>Week 7: Paragraph #2 final draft due; verb tense quiz; review for midterm exam<BR>Week 8: MIDTERM EXAM<BR>Week 9: Comparatives, equatives, and superlatives; begin Paragraph # 4 (Stating Reasons)<BR>Week 10: Paragraph #4 first draft due; modals of necessity and advice, supposed to <BR>Week 11: Paragraph #4 final draft due; modals of future possibility; assumption modals<BR>Week 12: Gerunds and infinitives; infinitives with too and enough<BR>Week 13: Gerund/Infinitive Quiz; from paragraph to essay; count versus non-count nouns; articles<BR>Week 14: Stating Reasons Essay due; review for final exam<BR>Week 15: FINAL EXAM
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