
授業科目名 英語オーラルコミュニケーション(上級)
時間割番号 062025I
担当教員名 クラウジア.P.
開講学期・曜日・時限 後期・木・I 単位数 2
教・工・生 <BR>英語AIII・BIIIを履修した学生
<到達目標>  到達目標とは
Students will spend time in class listening and speaking.Class room activities are very important.
1試験:期末期 50  %授業で取り組んだ内容に基づいて理解度を評価する。 
2小テスト/レポート 50  %授業で行う小テストおよび課題・発表等の取り組みを評価する。 
The schedule will be given in class.
  1. No textbooks -memos and materials will be given in class
The schedule for this course will be decided as the semester proceeds.The material will be paced to match the abilities of the students.<BR>Week 1 Introduction<BR>Week 2 Discussion Topic provided by teacher, students state opinion and why<BR>Week 3 Discussion " "<BR>Week 4 Discussion " "<BR>Week 5 Lecture<BR>Week 6 Speech #1 Topic is student choice some students speak others listen<BR>Week 7 Speech #1 " " "<BR>Week 8 Speech #1 ""<BR>Week 9 Lecture<BR>Week 10 Speech #2 ""<BR>Week 11 Speech #2 ""<BR>Week 12 Speech #2 ""<BR>Week 13 Speech #3 ""<BR>Week 14 Speech #3 ""<BR>Week 15 Speech #3 ""