
授業科目名 総合英語
時間割番号 062021W
担当教員名 アレン.G.
開講学期・曜日・時限 後期・木・I 単位数 2
工(電コ情先) <BR>英語AI・BIを履修した学生
<到達目標>  到達目標とは
This course aims at improving students’ four skills (speaking, listening, reading, and writing) in English by engaging them in enjoyable communicative tasks. Throughout the course students will be expected to be actively involved in task-based activities and assignments that focus on vocabulary, grammar, structure, pronunciation and fluency. Additionally, some attention will be given to cultural differences and their effects on communicating with foreigners.
1試験:期末期 50  %授業で取り組んだ内容に基づいて理解度を評価する。 
2小テスト/レポート 50  %授業で行う小テストおよび課題・発表等の取り組みを評価する。 
Enjoy talking in English with your classmates; don’t be shy and don’t worry about making mistakes. Just do your best and have a fun time and you will do great in this class! I am looking forward to talking with you!
  1. M. Helgesen /S. Brown /J. Wilshier, English Firsthand 1, Pearson Longman, ISBN:9-78-988-00-3059-8,
    (Additional teaching material will be supplied by the teacher.)
  1. Longman Dictionary of American English, 4th Edition, Pearson Longman, ISBN:9781405884662
Text:English Firsthand 1, M. Helgesen /S. Brown /J. Wilshier, Pearson Longman<BR>Week 1: Orientation Explanation of aims and rules of the class<BR> Unit 1 It's nice to meet you Personal information<BR>Week 2: Unit 1 Continuation<BR>Week 3: Unit 2 Who are you talking about? Appearances<BR>Week 4: Unit 2 Continuation<BR>Week 5: Unit 3 When do you start? Daily activities <BR>Week 6: Unit 3 Continuation<BR>Week 7: Unit 4 Where does this go? Locations<BR>Week 8: Unit 4 Continuation<BR>Week 9: Review of previous unit Mid-term test<BR>Week 10: Unit 5 How do I get there? Directions<BR>Week 11: Unit 5 Continuation<BR>Week 12: Unit 6 What happened? Past activities<BR>Week 13: Unit 6 Continuation<BR>Week 14: Review of previous units<BR> Final test <BR>Week 15: Review of final test