
授業科目名 総合英語
時間割番号 062021Q
担当教員名 アレン.G.
開講学期・曜日・時限 後期・金・III 単位数 2
工・生 <BR>英語AI・BIを履修した学生
<到達目標>  到達目標とは
Passages will be read or listened to in each class. Before reading or listening, the main theme of the article and background information will be presented and an explanation will be given of some of the vocabulary necessary for understanding the passage. Introductory questions will be asked and answered. Advice will be given about how to recognize the essential points of the content of each passage and how to express ideas and opinions about the passage clearly and logically. Students will also do a variety of listening and speaking exercises in pairs and in small groups.
1試験:期末期 50  %授業で取り組んだ内容に基づいて理解度を評価する。 
2小テスト/レポート 50  %授業で行う小テストおよび課題・発表等の取り組みを評価する。 
In addition to the class work referred to above, students may be asked to keep a short journal in English about recent events and be prepared to speak about them in class if called upon. The journal will be handed in to the teacher and returned corrected to the student at a later date.<BR>Students should use class time well by participating positively and enthusiastically in the lesson. They should arrive at class in good time. They should prepare and review lessons thoroughly. If all the work done in class is carefully reviewed, the final examination will be no problem.
  1. M. Helgesen/S. Brown/J. Wiltshier, English Firsthand 1, Pearson Longman, ISBN:978-988-00-3059-8,
    (Additional teaching material will be supplied by the teacher.)
Text:English Firsthand 1,M.Helgesen/S. Brown/J. Wiltshier,Pearson Longman<BR><BR>Week 1 Orientation Explanation of aims and rules of the class<BR> Unit 1 It’s nice to meet you Personal information<BR>Week 2 Unit 1 continuation<BR>Week 3 Unit 2 Who are you taking about?Appearances<BR>Week 4 Unit 2 continuation<BR>Week 5 Unit 3 When do you start? Daily activities<BR>Week 6 Unit 3 continuation<BR>Week 7 Unit 4 Where does this go? Locations<BR>Week 8 Unit 4 continuation<BR>Week 9 Review of previous unit Mid-term test<BR>Week 10 Unit 5 How do I get there? Directions<BR>Week 11 Unit 5 continuation<BR>Week 12 Unit 6 What happened? Past activities<BR>Week 13 Unit 6 continuation<BR>Week 14 Review of previous units Final test<BR>Week 15 Review of final test
《コンピュータ・メディア工学科 情報メディアコース》
(C) 科学技術が社会や自然に及ぼす影響や効果までを考慮できる多面的な地球的視野を会得し、国際的なコミュニケーションを可能とする基礎能力を修得する。