
授業科目名 英語MB
時間割番号 062013 B
担当教員名 アレン.G.
開講学期・曜日・時限 後期・火・II 単位数 2
The primary aim of this course is to teach students who are preparing to enter the field of medicine how to develop critical thinking skills relating to various issues including medical and health issues and how to express their ideas on them clearly and logically in order to increase their communication and presentation abilities.
<到達目標>  到達目標とは
1能力と技能The goal of this class is to encourage students to think about various topics and about how these topics impact on themselves and their fields of study so that they will eventually be able to participate confidently in international academic conferences and forums and express themselves in a clear and logical manner.
Based on what was studied in the first semester, the students will further improve their ability to develop questions, identify issues, evaluate opinions, and construct persuasive and opposing arguments using proper speech techniques. They will also present at least one group discussion and evaluate multiple group discussions.
1試験:期末期 40  %in-class presentations 
2小テスト/レポート 30  %reports and written and spoken class work 
3受講態度 30  %class participation and attendance 
In addition to the class work referred to above, students may be asked to keep a short journal in English about recent events. The journal will be handed in to the teacher and returned corrected to the students at a later date.<BR>Students should use class time well by participating positively and enthusiastically in the lesson. They should arrive on time and prepare and review lessons thoroughly.
  1. P. Suthons, Discussion matters, MacMillan Language House, ISBN:978-4-7773-6077-2,
    (Additional teaching materials will be provided by the teacher.)
Text: Discussion matters<BR><BR>Week 1. Review of the purpose of the course and techniques dealt with in first semester<BR> Review: How to have a conversation<BR>Week 2. Parts of a discussion 1 <BR>Week 3. Parts of a discussion 2<BR>Week 4. Making sense/Evaluating opinions<BR>Week 5. What are the issues?<BR>Week 6. Persuasive opinions<BR>Week 7. Review of units covered until now and discussion practice <BR>Week 8. Generalizing and theorizing<BR>Week 9. First major discussion<BR>Week 10 .Opposing opinions and rebuttal reasons<BR>Week 11. Disagreeing: A path to new knowledge<BR>Week 12. Collaborative problem solving<BR>Week 13. Final discussions<BR>Week 14. Final discussions continued<BR>Week 15. Unit 18 Review of course and final discussions