
授業科目名 英語MA
時間割番号 062012 A
担当教員名 アレン.G.
開講学期・曜日・時限 前期・火・II 単位数 2
The primary aim of this course is to consolidate what the students have already learned and to provide them with further techniques on how to express themselves clearly and confidently in English by practicing all the skills necessary for smooth communication (listening, speaking, reading and writing), thus preparing them for public speaking.
<到達目標>  到達目標とは
1能力と技能The goal is for students to improve their critical thinking skills and their communication ability, overcome their fears and inhibitions about speaking English and learn how to express themselves effectively, naturally and with confidence on a variety of topics.
In class a textbook will be used providing practice in the skills and techniques mentioned above. These will include posture, eye contact, gestures, prnunciation, enunciation and inflection. The students will also learn how to identify the main ideas and key points of a speech and how to construct a speech which will include an introduction, body and conclusion. The students will be required to give at least one informative and one persuasive speech in English, and will fill out evaluation forms assessing the construction, techniques and main ideas and key points of the speeches of other students.
1試験:期末期 40  %in-class presentations 
2小テスト/レポート 30  %reports and written and spoken class work 
3受講態度 30  %class participation and attendance 
Students should use class time well by participating positively and enthusiastically in the lesson. They should arrive on time and prepare and review lessons thoroughly.
  1. D. Harrington & C. LeBeau, Speaking of speech, MacMillan Language House, ISBN:9978-4--7773-6271-4,
    (Additional teaching material may be provided by the teacher.)
A textbook and handouts will be used in class.<BR>The progress of the class will depend on the students' needs and abilities.<BR>Further details will be announced on the first day of class.<BR><BR>Week 1. Introduction and explanation of the purpose of the course<BR> The informative speech. Posture and eye contact <BR>Week 2. Performance of informative speeches. <BR>Week 3. The layout speech. Using gestures <BR>Week 4. Performance of layout speech.<BR>Week 5. The demonstration speech. Using stress, pauses and emphasis.<BR> Performance of demonstration speeches  <BR>Week 6. Effective visuals. Using graphs, pictures and charts<BR> Explaining the visuals.<BR>Week 7. Performance of country comparison speech.<BR>Week 8. The introduction. Familiarization with functions of introduction, body and conclusion.<BR>Week 9. Performance of introductions of product comparisons. <BR>Week 10. The body. Understanding the imprtance of evidence, numbers and examples <BR>Week 11. Performance of product comparisons.<BR>Week 12. The conclusion. Understanding how to use main points and focus points of a conclusion.<BR>Week 13. Performance of conclusions of product comparisons. <BR>Week 14. Final performance. <BR>Week 15. Review of presentation techniques and final performance.