
石平  博/市川 温/新藤 純子
418312 2 (未登録) 1 後期 III
[Hydraulic modeling]<BR>The objectives of "hydraulic modeling part" are:<BR>- To understand the basic theories of river flow, unsaturated-saturated <BR>flow in the soil and inundation flow in the urbanized catchments<BR>- To develop computer programming skills for hydraulic simulations.<BR><BR>[Basin scale Hydrological modeling]<BR>The objectives of "hydrological modeling part" are:<BR>- To understand the basic therory of water/energy flux between <BR> land surface and atmosphere<BR>- To develop the computational skills of distributed hydrological model <BR>- To expand the handling and analysis skills of RS/GIS data for hydrological modeling.<BR><BR>[Material flow modeling]<BR>The objectives of "material flow modeling part" are:<BR>- To understand the soil chemical processes and ecosystem processes of bioelements.<BR>- To develop the computational skills of material flow model
Understanding 1) basic theories of river flow, unsaturated-saturated <BR>flow and inundation flow, 2) basic techniques for numerical simulations <BR>and 3) acquiring computer programming skills for hydraulic simulations <BR>are expected.<BR><BR><BR>Understanding the 1) basic theory of land surface hydrological processes, <BR>2) concept of distributed hydrological model and 3) utilization of RS & GIS <BR>data on hydrological modeling are expected.<BR><BR>Understanding the 1) basic processes of carbon, nitrogen and other elements in soil and in ecosystems and 2) acquiring computer programming skills for material cycle evaluation are expected.
The assesment and prediction of natural environment on basin scale <BR>is important task for integrated river basin management. <BR>The hydraulic/hydrological model and material flow model is one of the most <BR>useful tools for predicting the water and bioelement cycle. <BR>This lecture provides basic knowledge and skills of <BR>hydrological simulation.
Knowledge of hydraulics, hydrology and biogeochemical cycle is needed.
1小テスト/レポート 30  %Report 
2受講態度 40  %Attendance (at least 2/3) 
3その他 30  %Presentation 
  1. Text papers are delivered.
  1. nothing particularly (Some of "study-aid books" or "textbook" will be introduced for each topics of this lecture, if it is necessary.)
1) river flow simulation (1)<BR>2) river flow simulation (2)<BR>3) unsaturated-saturated flow simulation (1)<BR>4) unsaturated-saturated flow simulation (2)<BR>5) inundation flow simulation<BR><BR>6) Land surface hydrological processes<BR>7) Utilization of RS/GIS data (1)<BR>8) Utilization of RS/GIS data (2)<BR>9) Basin scale hydrological simulation (1)<BR>10) Basin scale hydrological simulation (2)<BR><BR>11) Soil chemical processes in catchment modeling (1)<BR>12) Soil chemical processes in catchment modeling (2)<BR>13) Ecosystem processes in catchment modeling (1)<BR>14) Ecosystem processes in catchment modeling (2)<BR><BR>15) Summary