
市川 温/大石  哲
418102 2 (未登録) 1 後期 III
Variation of environment in the global and basin wide scale depends on many well known and unknown factors. Almost all of the activity over the world is affected by the variation. Water is one of the most important material and media that causes and transports the variation of environment. Understanding of hydrological cycle that is defined as water circulation requires deep consideration of energy circulation, energy balance, temporal and spatial scale. Moreover, improvement of understanding of hydrological cycle is owed by advanced measurement that uses high-tech electronics.<BR>At first, phenomena and physics of the hydrological process from global scale to basin scale are explained in the lecture. In the next, the lecture gives the explanation of measurement for hydrological system. At last, the lecture touches various conditions of water resources in real world.
i) To understand equations which represent the physics of the hydrological cycle,<BR>ii) to understand the temporal and spatial scale of the hydrological cycle,<BR>iii) to understand the mechanism of measurement for the hydrological cycle <BR>iv) to understand the circumstances of water resources in Japan and Asian region should be achieved
i) objective and general method to represent the natural phenomena<BR>ii) to establish the management, asscessing and future forecasting methods for natural phenomena<BR>iii) development and application of management technology using physical engineering technology
- basic fluid dynamics and basic physics<BR>- hydrology<BR>- hydraulics
1試験:期末期 50  %Objective and general method to represent the natural phenomena 
2小テスト/レポート 50  %to establish the management, asscessing and future forecasting methods for natural phenomena, development and application of management technology using physical engineering technology 
  1. Necessry materials for the lecture will be provided.
  1. Eagleson, P.S., Dynamic Hydrology, McGraw-Hill
1. circulation of water and energy<BR>2. issues on water resources under the conditions of global warming<BR>3. issues on water resources under the conditions of population increasing<BR>4. transition of water resources development in Japan<BR>5. present conndition of water resources in Japan<BR>6. advanced measurement of atmosphere<BR>7. advanced measurement of precipitation<BR>8. advanced measurement of topography<BR>9. numerical weather forecasting