
授業科目名 Intensive90-II(英語)
時間割番号 181095
担当教員名 クラウジア.P./メイン.R
開講学期・曜日・時限 後期・月/金/水・V/V/V 単位数 6
コミュニカティヴ・アプローチによる英語中級コース。聞き取りと発語を中心に学習しながら、より高度な表現を駆使し、聞きとれるようにする。週3回の授業。The purpose of this class is to improve the students English through intensive study.
Students will both improve and gain confidence in their English ability.
There will be three classes every week during the semester. The classes will be on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. The classes on Mondays and Fridays will be taught by Paul Klousia. Wednesday classes will be taught by ストロースマン先生.
1小テスト/レポート 50  %Quizzes and reports 
2受講態度 30  %Attendance and participation are very important in this course 
3発表/表現等 20  %Short presentations 
  1. 授業開始時に指示します
The schedule for this course will be decided as the semester proceeds. The material will be paced to match the abilities of the students.