
授業科目名 英語MD
時間割番号 062029 A
担当教員名 アレン.G.
開講学期・曜日・時限 後期・月・II 単位数 2
The primary aim of this course is to allow students to apply what they learned in the previous year's course as a basis and review the skills they acquired in critical thinking and opinion forming in order to allow them to go on to improve their debating techniques. Various techniques are involved in the process of debate. These include defining a resolution, researching facts relating to it, forming an opinion about it, formulating clear and logical arguments to defend or attack it, and finally reaching a reasoned conclusion about it.
<到達目標>  到達目標とは
1能力と技能The goal is for students to improve their critical thinking skills and their communication ability, overcome their fears and inhibitions about speaking English and learn how to express themselves in lively debates.
In class a textbook will be used providing practice in the skills mentioned above. The textbook will be supplemented with handouts introducing additional information on the topics being studied.
1試験:期末期 60  %final debates 
2その他 40  %class performance 
In addition to the class work referred to above, students may be asked to keep a short journal in English of recent events. The journal will be handed in to the teacher and returned corrected at a late date. Students should use class time well by participating positively and enthusiastically in the lessons. They should arrive on time and prepare and review lessons thoroughly.
  1. H. Motegi, S.Hesse, D. Suzuki, Debating the Issues, MacMillan Languagehouse, ISBN:4-89585-408-6,
    (Additional information will be supplied by the teacher.)
Text:Debating the issues, H.Motegi/S.Hesse/D.Suzuki,MacMillan Languagehouse<BR><BR>Week 1 Orientation Explanation of purpose and rules of the class and review of the techniques dealt with in the first semester<BR>Week 2 Chapter 8 Life imprisonment or death penalty Capital punishment<BR>Week 3 Chapter 8 continuation<BR>Week 4 Chapter 9 Judges or jury Trial by jury<BR>Week 5 Chapter 9 continuation<BR>Week 6 Review of debating techniques dealt with in chapters 8 and 9 and presentations<BR>Week 7 Chapter 10 Human organs or animal organs Organ transplants<BR>Week 8 Chapter 10 continuation<BR>Week 9 Chapter 11 Surrogate mothers or natural mothers Surrogate motherhood<BR>Week10 Chapter11 continuation<BR>Week11 Review of debating techniques dealt with in chapters 10 and 11 and presentations<BR>Week 12 Review exercises Making constructive speeches Debating practice<BR>Week 13 Making constructive speeches continuation Debating practice<BR>Week 14 Final debates<BR>Week 15 Final debates