
授業科目名 英語オーラルコミュニケーション
時間割番号 062027K
担当教員名 アレン.G.
開講学期・曜日・時限 後期・火・I 単位数 2
The primary aim of this course is to provide students with techniques on how to communicate successfully and confidently in natural English by using a variety of interesting materials to present and consolidate the skills necessary for such communication.
<到達目標>  到達目標とは
1能力と技能The goal is for students to improve their English speaking ability, overcome fears and inhibitions about speaking English and express themselves effectively and confidently in a variety of everyday situations.
In class a textbook will be used providing practice in the skills mentioned above.<BR>This textbook will be supplemented with handouts introducing additional vocabulary and idioms and with additional exercises for improving listening and speaking.
1試験:期末期 40  %final examination and presentation 
2小テスト/レポート 30  %journal and class work 
3その他 30  %class performance 
In addition to the class work referred to above, students may be asked to keep a short journal in English about recent events and be prepared to speak about them in class if called upon. The journal will be handed in to the teacher and returned corrected to the student at a later date. <BR>Students should use class time well by participating positively and enthusiastically in the lessons. They should arrive at class on time and prepare and review lessons thoroughly.
  1. to be decided later,
    (Additional material will be provided by the teacher.)
Text:New Activator,Tadashi Shiozawa/Gregory A.King,Kinseido<BR><BR>Week 1 Orientation Explanation of purpose and rules of the class<BR>Unit 1 School life Greetings/Getting to know each other<BR>Week 2 Unit 2 Part-time job/Weekend Talking about pastimes<BR>Week 3 Unit 3 Movies Inviting someone/Making appointmants<BR>Week 4 Unit 4 Phone calls/Apponintments Telephone conversations<BR>Week 5 Unit 5 TV programs/Weather Making small talk/Giving compliments<BR>Week 6 Unit 6 Future plans/Jobs Intentions<BR>Week 7 Review of previous units Mid-term test<BR>Week 8 Unit 7 Music Asking for permission /Making suggestions<BR>Week 9 Unit 8 Sports Commenting/Expressing feelings<BR>Week 10 Unit 9 Study abroad Informing/Congratulating/Encouraging<BR>Week 11 Unit 10 Parties/Picnics Asking a favor<BR>Week 12 Unit 11 Traveling overseas Survival English<BR>Week 13 Unit 12 American and Japanese cultures Asking and answering questions<BR>Week 14 Review of Units 7 to 12 Final test<BR>Week 15 Review of final test
《コンピュータ・メディア工学科 コンピュータサイエンスコース》
《コンピュータ・メディア工学科 情報メディアコース》
(C) 科学技術が社会や自然に及ぼす影響や効果までを考慮できる多面的な地球的視野を会得し、国際的なコミュニケーションを可能とする基礎能力を修得する。