
授業科目名 英語リーディング・ライティング
時間割番号 062026R
担当教員名 メイン.R
開講学期・曜日・時限 後期・火・I 単位数 2
This course aims to improve students’ ability write and structure an essay. These essays will be particularly useful for students wishing to study abroad, take IELTS or TOEFL. The reading element of the course will largely be given in the form of homework which will feed into that week's writing. Each week we will focus on various aspects of writing and students will build on knowledge from previous classes
<到達目標>  到達目標とは
1能力と技能By the end of the course students will be able to write well organised essays with good vocabulary, grammar and style.
Each week we will focus on various aspects of writing and students will build on knowledge from previous classes.<BR>The reading element of the course will largely be given in the form of homework which will feed into that week's writing.
1試験:期末期 65  %exam 
2小テスト/レポート 25  %homework 
3受講態度 10  %ongoing 
  1. The tutor will provide all of the materials
Week 1 Guidance and outline, first essay <BR>Week 2 Organising your essay <BR>Week 3 Writing introductions <BR>Week 4 Writing conclusions <BR>Week 5 Review and Exam 1: First essay 5%<BR>Week 6 Feedback /Cohesion <BR>Week 7 Increasing complexity: Style <BR>Week 8 Increasing complexity: vocabulary 1 <BR>Week 9 Increasing complexity: Passives <BR>Week 10 Review and Exam 2: Second essay 20%<BR>Week 11 Feedback/ Increasing complexity: relatives <BR>Week 12 Increasing complexity: vocabulary 2 <BR>Week 13 Checking your work <BR>Week 14 Review and Exam 3: Final writing test 40%<BR>Week 15 Feedback and results