
授業科目名 英語リーディング・ライティング
時間割番号 062026G
担当教員名 ストロースマン.J.
開講学期・曜日・時限 前期・水・II 単位数 2
The textbook is about science. It uses a lot of scientific words that students will need to work as technicians in an international community. By studying such technical writing, students will understand the language needed to discuss today's technology, and will practice their writing skills.
<到達目標>  到達目標とは
1能力と技能Since this is a reading and writing class, students will learn a lot of vocabulary and have a chance to practice the new language in writing.
Each lesson has a long reading assignment, which is rather difficult. Then there are listening and grammar exercises. Each lesson has a different grammar focus.
1試験:期末期 20  %期末試験 
2試験:中間期 20  %中間テスト 
3小テスト/レポート 30  %10点のレポート×3回 
4受講態度 30  %出席15回×2点 
  1. Graham Hill and John Holman, Understanding Basic Science, 英宝社, ISBN:9784269180222
  1. 和英ー英和辞典(紙でも電子でも可)
回   内容<BR>1 Lesson 1 - Universe<BR>2 Lesson 2 - The Sun, the Earth and the Moon<BR>3 Lesson 4 - Cells<BR>4 Lesson 7 - Atoms and Molecules<BR>5 Lesson 8 - Moving Particles    Report 1 提出日<BR>6 Lesson 9 - Rusting<BR>7 Midterm exam - vocabulary lessons 1,2,4,7,8,9; reading/writing<BR>8 Lesson 10 - Gravitational Force<BR>9 Lesson 11 - Friction<BR>10 Lesson 12 - Pressure Report 2 提出日<BR>11 Lesson 13 - Weather Maps<BR>12 Lesson 14 - Energy 1<BR>13 Lesson 15 - Energy 2<BR>14 Lesson 16 - Energy Resources  Report 3 提出日<BR>15 Course review, Final Exam - vocabulary lessons 10,11,12,13,14,15,16; reading/writing