N. Kitayama, M. Yamanaka, and K. Fukui, English Makeover リーディングのための英文法演習, 成美堂
1 Introduction <BR>2 Unit 1 文型1 How old is old?<BR>3 Unit 2 文型2 The Ghan<BR>4 Unit 3 名詞 Love letters in the sand<BR>5 Unit 4 冠詞 Put in the "pygg"<BR>6 Units 5-6 代名詞 My Memories in Hawaii<BR>7 Review the units and Mid-term examination <BR>8 Unit 7 未来形 Plug in and drive<BR>9 Unit 8 進行形 Life is always changing<BR>10 Unit 9 完了形 Microwaves in the air<BR>11 Units 10-11 助動詞 Every house must have one<BR>12 Unit 12 態 You'd better thank a farmer<BR>13 Unit 14 不定詞 Surfing, an elective<BR>14 Review the units and the Terminal examination <BR>15 Review the terminal examination and some more advice