
授業科目名 英語BIII
時間割番号 062019 C
担当教員名 アレン.G.
開講学期・曜日・時限 後期・木・II 単位数 2
The primary aim of this course is to teach techniques of oral communication and improve the listening and speaking ability of the students. Students will listen to English spoken at natural speed in a variety of real-life situations and will be taught how to express themselves in such situations accurately and in a clear and logical way.
<到達目標>  到達目標とは
1能力と技能The goal is for students to be able to listen to and understand English spoken at natural speed and then answer questions about the spoken texts or give a summary of what they have heard in their own words. The students should also be able to give a presentation of a few minutes expressing their opinion clearly on a given topic.
In class a textbook and CDs will be used to present authentic material from a variety of sources: conversations, recorded messages, broadcasts, announcements, etc. Students will practice using the material they have studied in pairs or in small groups<BR>The material and related exercises will be used to teach students to listen for different purposes and make assumptions and predictions about the various situations. Students will also do listening and speaking exercises in pairs and in small groups. Attention will be paid to logical formulation of ideas and correct intonation and pronunciation.
1試験:期末期 40  %final examination 
2小テスト/レポート 30  %reports and written and spoken class work 
3その他 30  %class performance 
Students should use class time well by participating positively and enthusiastically in the lessons. They should arrive at class in good time and prepare and review lessons thoroughly. If all the work done in class is carefully reviewed, the final examination will be no problem.
  1. to be decided later,
    (Additional teaching material will be provided by the teacher.)
Text:Learning to Listen Student Book 2,Lin Lougheed,MacMillan<BR><BR>Week 1 Orientation.Explanation of the aims and rules of the class<BR> Unit 1 Born Lucky−Describing personalities and personality traits<BR> Talking about your friends<BR>Week 2 Unit 2 Around the World &#8211;Learning about countries,languages and nationalities<BR>Week 3 Unit 3 Happy Birthday &#8211;Celebrating birthdays<BR>Dates,invitations,gifts<BR>Week 4 Unit 4 How Are You Feeling? −Talking about health problems and remedies<BR>Week 5 Review of Units 1-4<BR>Week 6 Unit 5 At the Mall−Spending time at the mall Talking about shopping<BR>Week 7 Unit 6 At the Movies &#8211; Talking about movies<BR>Week 8 Unit 7 Dining Out &#8211;Eating at restaurants<BR> Describing different food<BR>Week 9 Unit 8 What Are You Wearing−Describing clothes<BR>Week 10 Review of Units 5-8<BR>Week 11 Unit 9 Traffic Jam−Transportation<BR>Week 12 Unit10 On the Weekend−Talking about weekend activities<BR>Week 13 Unit 11 Room Service−Staying at hotels,checking in,hotel services<BR>Week 14 Review of units 9-11 and Final test<BR>Week 15 Test review Review of all topics covered in the class
《コンピュータ・メディア工学科 コンピュータサイエンスコース》
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(C) 科学技術が社会や自然に及ぼす影響や効果までを考慮できる多面的な地球的視野を会得し、国際的なコミュニケーションを可能とする基礎能力を修得する。