
授業科目名 英語リーディング・ライティング
時間割番号 062026G
担当教員名 ストロースマン.J.
開講学期・曜日・時限 前期・水・II 単位数 2
The textbook is about science and society. By studying it, students will understand the language needed to discuss today's technology, and will practice their writing skills.
<到達目標>  到達目標とは
1能力と技能Since this is a reading and writing class, students will learn a lot of vocabulary and have a chance to practice the new language in writing.
Each unit has a long reading assignment, which is rather difficult. Then there are vocabulary exercises and comprehension questions. These are followed by listening and writing exercises. The unit ends with a grammar focus.
1試験:期末期 20  %期末試験 
2試験:中間期 20  %中間テスト 
3小テスト/レポート課題 30  %10点のレポート×3回 
4平常点/受講態度 30  %出席15回×2点 
  1. Bruce Allen, Imagining Tomorrow, 成美堂, ISBN:9784791910328
  1. 和英ー英和辞典(紙でも電子でも可)
回   内容<BR>1 Lesson 4 Stem Cell Research<BR>2 Lesson 5 Tsunami, Hurricanes and Global Warming<BR>3 Lesson 6 World Population<BR>4 Lesson 7 After the Peak Oil Crash<BR>5 Lesson 8 Starvation, Famine and Hunger   Report 1 提出日<BR>6 Lesson 10 Efficient Cars<BR>7 Midterm exam<BR>8 Lesson 11 Cyborgs<BR>9 Lesson 12 Identity Theft<BR>10 Lesson 13 Chaos Theory Report 2 提出日<BR>11 Lesson 14 Comets, Meteors and Asteroids<BR>12 Lesson 16 Life on Other Planets<BR>13 Lesson 18 Fixing Nature<BR>14 Lesson 20 Protecting Our Natural Heritage  Report 3 提出日<BR>15 Final Exam