
授業科目名  英語オーラルコミュニケーション(中級)
時間割番号 062024A
担当教員名 クラウジア.P.
開講学期・曜日・時限 前期・月・II 単位数 2
This class will focus on developing the student's English conversation and public speaking skills.Students will be expected to speak about their daily lives and current events.Students will also develop and deliver speeches and learn evaluation techniques.
<到達目標>  到達目標とは
1能力と技能Students will be expected to speak about their daily lives and current events.Students will develop and deliver speeches and learn evaluation techniques.
Materials needed <BR>1)spiral notebook<BR>2)Japanese to English Dictionary<BR>3)English to Japanese Dictionary<BR>4)No textbook is required
1試験:期末期 50  %  
2小テスト/レポート課題 20  %  
3平常点/受講態度 30  %  
Attendance<BR>1)Students are allowed three absences for cause from this class<BR>2)Students are expected to notify the teacher before any absence by fax,telephone or e-mail.<BR>3)Any classes missed over the limit must be made up by the student
  1. No textbook is required
Grading<BR>1) Students will receive 1-3 points for each time they speak in class<BR><BR>2) A negative 5 points will be assessed every time the students speaks in Japanese,unless specifically authorized to do so by the teacher <BR><BR>3) The students will write and deliver two speeches <BR> a) One persuasive speech <BR> b) One informative speech<BR> c) Each Speech will be worth 30 points.<BR><BR>4)Students will evaluate othwer students speeches<BR> a) Students will be provided evaluation forms<BR> b) Students will receive from 0-3 points for each evaluation
《コンピュータ・メディア工学科 情報メディアコース》
(C) 科学技術が社会や自然に及ぼす影響や効果までを考慮できる多面的な地球的視野を会得し、国際的なコミュニケーションを可能とする基礎能力を修得する。