
授業科目名  英語リーディング・ライティング(上級)
時間割番号 062023E
担当教員名 ライランズ.O.
開講学期・曜日・時限 後期・月・II 単位数 2
The purpose of this course is to enable you to clearly write your ideas and opinions. You will learn techniques to structure your writing into organized essays.
<到達目標>  到達目標とは
1能力と技能The aim of this course is for students to improve their English reading and writing ability.
In class you will read and discuss a variety of topics to enable you to write for different purposes You will be evaluated on two pieces of written work, one as homework and one as your final essay written in class. Attendance and class participation will be included in your final evaluation.
1平常点/受講態度 20  %Classwork 
2発表/表現等 60  %Final Essay 
3その他 20  %Attendance 
To read and write well you also need to listen carefully to your partner's opinion and advise so our classroom language will be English only…please check your Japanese at the door !
  1. No Text. There will be weekly handouts.
1.Reason to write Class aims.<BR>2.Describe a friend Paragraph outline.<BR>3.A Good Parent Form an opinion.<BR>4.Vocabulary collection Brainstorming.<BR>5.A Stitch in Time… Develop your ideas.<BR>6.What’s the rule? Grammar review.<BR>7.An Actress and a Princess Compare and contrast.<BR>8.Past or present? Paragraph to Essay.<BR>9.Try your best A good topic sentence.<BR>10.What do you think? Peer editing.<BR>11.Heroes Transition words.<BR>12.It certainly looks good Final draft rules.<BR>13.The book is better than the film. Grammar review.<BR>14.Essay Titles and Choices Are you ready?<BR>15 Final Essay Test Teacher comments.
《コンピュータ・メディア工学科 情報メディアコース》
(C) 科学技術が社会や自然に及ぼす影響や効果までを考慮できる多面的な地球的視野を会得し、国際的なコミュニケーションを可能とする基礎能力を修得する。