
授業科目名  Intensive15-I(英語)
時間割番号 062091
担当教員名 アレン,G./ヘネベリー.S/ストロースマン,J./サットン,S.
開講学期・曜日・時限 集中・(未登録)・(未登録) 単位数 1
This course is aimed at helping students improve their overall English ability.
The goal of this course is help students improve their speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills in English. It is also hoped that students will have fun in this course, and become more comfortable using English.
Students will spend time working on each of the Four Skills (speaking, listening, reading, and writing) in this course. The course will include a combination of group work and independent study.
1小テスト/レポート課題 40  %Short quizzes and essays 
2平常点/出席点 40  %Attendance and participation are very important in this course 
3発表/表現等 20  %Short presentations 
The classes are planned to be as interesting and fun as possible to make the course both educational and energetic.
  1. Supplied by teachers
The course is taught by two different teachers, but will include sections on all Four Skills on each day.