
授業科目名  英語IIIB
時間割番号 062006 C
担当教員名 ストロースマン,J.
開講学期・曜日・時限 後期・火・II 単位数 2
The purpose of this class is to accustom students to the English that is normally used by adults in English-speaking countries.
I expect you to be able to say what you intend to say, to listen to the listening exercises until you understand them, and to participate actively and enthusiastically in the speaking exercises.
I will divide the class into a listening group and a speaking group. The listening group will do listening exercises which I will prepare, and the speaking group will do speaking exercises, which I will tell the students in advance about.
1小テスト/レポート課題 70  %Listening exercises 40%, speaking exercises 30% 
2平常点/出席点 30  %出席一回二点 
  1. 単語数の多い英和和英辞典〔電子でも紙でも構いません〕
Having received the enrollment list, I will divide you into groups arbitrarily for the speaking exercises. Those who are not in the group on speaking duty will do listening exercises. I'll give you more details on the first day of class.